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    Hjem Borger Børn og familie Skole og uddannelse Folkeskoler Modtageklasser Modtageklasser, Welcome to the reception classes in Gladsaxe Municipality

Modtageklasser, Welcome to the reception classes in Gladsaxe Municipality

The reception classes are targeted schoolchildren who do not speak Danish

  • The teaching follows the national curricula for Danish as a Second Language and beside Danish, your child will also receive instruction in mathematics, arts, history, biology and geography. IT is an integrated part of all subjects and your child will receive an iPad or a Laptop.
  • There are less students in a reception class than in a mainstream class. It gives the teachers optimal opportunities to provide an individual support, which is required in order for your child to have a good development of Danish.
  • All the teachers in the reception classes have professional skills within bilingual education and they know what it is like to start at a new school, where the instructions are in a language your child does not understand – and all teachers speak English and some teachers also other languages.
  • The classes are an integrated part of Vadgård School. This means, that your child during breaks and other joint activities at school, will be together with Danish speaking children from the mainstream classes.

Parental cooperation

It can be very difficult for your child to start at a new school and it can have an impact on your child’s well-being and selfconfidence.

  • We put great emphasis on having a good collaboration with all parents and we appreciate that you always inform us about your child’s well-being.
  • Communication with teachers can also take place through Aula.
  • At Aula you can see the subjects your child is working with at school and homework ; and you will also receive general information about school activities.

You will receive specific information about Aula and your child will also learn how to use Aula.

Language recommendation

We recommend that you always speak your mother tongue with your child.

  • A well-developed mother tongue is the best foundation for the development of a second language.
  • The best help you can give your child is to continue speaking your mother tongue with him/her.

After school club

When the school day ends, your child will be able to remain in the after school club (SFO) , which is for children from preschool up to 3rd grade, or in a our youth club, which is targeted children in 4th grade and up to 7th grade.

  • In the Afterschool clubs, your child have opportunities to play and participate in physical and creative activities and establish new friendships with students not enrolled in the reception classes.
  • These new friendships can benefit your child’s development of a diverse Danish. 

Enrollment in a mainstream class

The teachers in the reception classes will continuously evaluate your child’s Danish skills.

  • Before starting in a mainstream class your child will have a final language test in order to measure your child’s reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
  • Before enrolling your child in a new class, we organize a meeting where we give you our recommendations.

Moreover, we always take care of the transferring to a new class.

It is up to you as parents to decide whether you would like your child to be enrolled at the district school close to where you live, or continue schooling at Vadgård School.

Would you like to receive further information about your child’s enrollment in a reception class?

The reception classes in Gladsaxe are located at Vadgård School, Kong Hans Allé 32, 2860 Søborg.

Please contact the head of reception classes and consultant for Danish as a Second Language:
Jette Luna
Telephone 30 51 17 77

We will warmly welcome your child and ensure your child a good schooling, regardless of your child’s linguistic and cultural background.

Gladsaxe Kommune
Rådhus Allé 7
2860 Søborg

CVR: 62761113

Telefon: 39 57 50 00



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