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About Gladsaxe

Where is Gladsaxe?

Gladsaxe Municipality is located northwest of Copenhagen. From Gladsaxe City Hall to Copenhagen City Hall is approximately 10 km in a straight line.

Gladsaxe borders the municipalities: Copenhagen, Gentofte, Lyngby-Taarbæk, Furesø and Herlev.

Gladsaxe consists of the now united villages: Gladsaxe, Buddinge, Bagsværd and Mørkhøj and covers an area of ​​2,500 hectares.

Sustainable development in Gladsaxe

The Municipality of Gladsaxe was the first Danish municipality to deliver on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals by integrating them into the municipal strategy “The Gladsaxe Strategy 2018-22”.

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals were introduced during the development of Gladsaxe's municipal strategy for the political term 2018-22 and are now integrated into six cross-sectoral goals in the Gladsaxe Strategy:

1. Children shaping the future

2. Business-friendly city with job growth

3. Equal opportunities to succeed

4. Green and vibrant city

5. Lifelong health and well-being

6. Climate-conscious city

Here can you read “The Gladsaxe Strategy 2018-22”.

A growing municipality

Gladsaxe is a growing municipality and for many years the population has been increasing. By the end of 2019, the municipality had 69,270 inhabitants, which makes it the 20th largest municipality in Denmark.

The projection for 2020-2035 shows that the population will increase by 6,772 citizens by 2035, where the population is estimated to be 76,034 citizens. All age groups will be increasing, but it is especially the 0-5 year olds and the 85+ year olds who are increasing.

It is this development that forms the municipality's plans for schools and day care services, among other things.


In Gladsaxe, there are 31,542 homes in total, which are divided into apartments, terraced houses and detached houses.

Almost 60 percent of homes are apartments, while the rest are evenly distributed between terraced houses and detached houses. 36 percent of homes are owned by non-profit social housing associations. Over the next three to four years, 1,000 new homes are expected to be built.

Schools and education

There are 10 primary schools in Gladsaxe. In addition, there are a number of secondary education institutions: Gladsaxe Gymnasium, Bagsværd Kostskole og Gymnasium, TEC – Teknisk Erhvervsskole Center and Gladsaxe Ungdomsskole.

Green areas

Despite the fact that Gladsaxe is centrally located and close to Copenhagen, there are many green areas and opportunities for nature experiences in Gladsaxe, such as Aldershvile Slotspark, Bagsværd Sø, Fedtmosen, Hareskoven, Smørmosen, Store Hareskov og Utterslev Mose.

Sports facilities

There are many opportunties in the municipality to practice sports and do exercise. There are, for example, the following sports facilities: The Danish National Regatta Course Lake Bagsvaerd, Bagsværd Stadion, Bagsværd Svømmehal, Gladsaxe Sportscenter, Gladsaxe Badmintonhal, Gladsaxe Bowlinghal, Gladsaxe Motionscenter, Gladsaxe Skøjtehal, Gladsaxe Sportshal 1 and 2, Gladsaxe Sports Hostel, Gladsaxe Stadion, Gladsaxe Svømmehal, Gladsaxe Friluftsbad og Akademisk Boldklub.

Culture and leisure

There is also a large number of possibilities within culture and leisure such as the Bibliografen (cinema and library), bådfarten (boating on Bagsværd Sø), Gladsaxe Musik- og Billedskole, Telefonfabrikken - Gladsaxe Kulturhus and the venue Richter etc.

Lots of business activity

Gladsaxe has a large business activity and is one of Denmark's largest business municipalities with 31,370 private jobs and 7,627 public jobs. Since 2008, the municipality has had an increase of more than 7,600 jobs in total.

There are four business districts in Gladsaxe: Gladsaxe Ringby and Bagsværd Erhvervskvarter, including Bagsværd Bypark, Gyngemosepark og Mørkhøj Erhvervskvarter.

In addition to jobs, companies contribute to the growth and development of the city.

Gladsaxe Kommune
Rådhus Allé 7
2860 Søborg

CVR: 62761113

Telefon: 39 57 50 00



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