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Volunteer your time

As a volunteer you can make a difference in your local community. You will get a unique opportunity to increase your network and improve your social and professional skills.

Volunteering is many different things. In Gladsaxe Municipality, there are many different organisations, where you can become a volunteer. There are organisations within sport, culture, music, nature and the social- and health area.

There are different institutions in Gladsaxe where you can become a volunteer. You can for example work at a library or at a Senior Citizens' Centre. Often they need help with very different things for example mentees, helping young people with their homework, cultural activities etc. However, in some institutions it may be a requirement that you speak at least a little Danish.

If you know where you would like to become a volunteer, you are always welcome to contact the organisation or the public institution where you would like to work. You can also look for a volunteer job in the english-language national database

If you are not sure which type of volunteer job would be a good match for you, you are welcome to contact the volunteering team in Gladsaxe Municipality. They will try to help you find a job that will match your wishes.



Ea Lykke Elsborg
Telefon: 39 57 55 43

Rikke Clausen
Telefon: 39 57 53 39

Det frivillige sociale område
Braulio Rocha
Telefon: 21 67 34 84

Gladsaxe Kommune
Rådhus Allé 7
2860 Søborg

CVR: 62761113

Telefon: 39 57 50 00



Mandag-fredag: 9-14

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Mandag-onsdag og fredag 10-14
Torsdag 10-18

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