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Grupper til nybagte forældre

I Gladsaxe Kommune har du som nybagt forældre mulighed for at være med i flere tilbud sammen med andre forældre. Du kan læse mere om vores tilbud nedenfor.


In Gladsaxe, we set up small groups for new mothers. We also have groups for English-speaking mothers.

If you have recently given birth and wish to join a group for new mothers, who all speak English, contact your health visitor.

You will meet privately, typically in each other’s homes, and usually once a week for a couple of hours.


If you would like to join such a group, please tell your health visitor, who will sign you up.

Find contact information on your health visitor.








Rådhus Alle 7
2860 Søborg

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Gladsaxe Kommune
Rådhus Allé 7
2860 Søborg

CVR: 62761113

Telefon: 39 57 50 00



Mandag-fredag: 9-14

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